Friday, December 11, 2009

I learned that mole is 6.02 x 10 to the 23rd though breh thats hella big do breh.
I wihs i had that much money i would be rich whooo.
Haha well lyeah thats basicly all i ahd to asya byeeeeee
Heres the mole Video
Today is my 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend.
Im hoping that i will see her right after school because she is leaving
At seven to go to europe for a graduatoin. I wonder what she got me.
I didntget to finish her present but i hope when she comes back it will be done

Here's the mole songs breh

Deadweek is killing me right now dow breh. So much work and studying to do.
I ahve to raise all my garades because they are pretty bad right now. and i need to get atleast all C's . When I get my grades up i ont ahve stress anymore. Im hopinmg next semmester i will not break my mutha effing leg again. sheet. That's the only reason my garade3s went donw. its so hard to cathc up.
Yesterday we have a fun lab in Chemistry we did a mole lab.
We didnt get to turn in our pan because we were like 2 seconds off. and Mr olden didnt let us turn it in and i think we would ahve won because we got the right answer and we got the measurmentts right but we didnt get to turn it in.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My baby neice can home on wednesday from the hostpital because she is about a week old.
I finally got to see her. She is so small like a football.
I can hold her with one arm but i am afraid to because i might break her.
My mom held her for the first time that day.
We ate dinner at my sisters house because we went to see the baby later. her name is isabella
And my sister has 2 dogs one thats about a month old. pretty cool....
On the 30th i am getting my cast off finallly i get it off and i can walk around with 2 feet yayayyyyyyy.
When i get it off the first thing i will do is take a shower to clean my effing fooot.
I cant wait to get it off and start walking again. I also want to get back into bboying.
I hope i get it off on the 30th if i have to keep it on for longer imma be PISSED
a month and a half ago i broke my leg and I didnt go to school for 2 weeks
And after that I was sick for about 2 weeks and its iriitating because everytime i miss something its hard for me to make up because i have so many things to do. I want to make everything up rihgt away but i cant because i have to do it one by one.
I want my cast off alreadyy........
today im am going to watch
a movie with my girlfriend
I am not sure what we are going to watch but I am looking forrward to it.
I have we watch blindside because it is about a football player. and i playing footballl.
I hope i get all my grades up so i can /have good grades yayy.
Thanksgiving is also coming up but im not excited for that i am excited for black friday and cyber monday Whooooooo
being on crutches is very irritating.
My Keyboard is messed of all the letters are mixed
up and its irritating the eff out me.
I want to change computers but all the computers are taken which is veryy veryyy irritating.
I have bad grades right not and i want to bring them up
I have to retake all my tests so my grade comes back up for all my classes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Broke Leg

I broke my leg this week.
All i did is stay home and sleep.
Very boring. CAnt do anything by my seelf.
When i get back to school im going to have to make
Up a lot of things.
Im mad too because i didnt eveen get to play one foorball game.
I was on the team during spring break
For training and during summer but i didnt get to p,lay one game

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yesterday we played with dry ice.
The ice was very cold. if you held
it for to long it would have burned
your skin. And when we put it water
it made bubles and the bubbles smelled
like soap and it was very good smelling.
And thats pretty much it

Friday, September 18, 2009

My site.

My copper site wasnt really that good.
I think i could have done much better,
But atleast i did it.........

Making an atom

I didnt under stand how to make the atoms so i didnt really like the lab. but after a while i knew what to do.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Density Lab

The density lab was okaaay.
It would have been nice if i had more time to measure.
There was a lot of calculations that i had to do but it wasnt hard it was
just very long.
It was pretty fun so yeah.....

Friday, August 28, 2009


The Wahtsa Matter. Lab was Pretty fun so yeahhh.....
I was way off when i was guessing the mass of the objects.
I was like 20 or 30 grams off so yeahhhh.....
When I was doing the volume I wasn't off by a lot.
But I was still off by 2 or 3 mL so yeahhh.....
I got in trouble for putting the penny in...?
I guess. Mr olsen got mad at me for no having
A calcuulater.. SO YEAH.....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Penny Lab

Penny lab was fun.
Got to burn a penny.
Pretty much it.