Friday, February 12, 2010


Today's rally was pretty cool.
I liked all the dance groups because I am a dancer my self.
I lvve you bboy its what i do. But i havnt bboyed in a long time because i lost my speakers and I cant really bboy without music but mainly do trickes now like flares flips and stuff like that.
Academy of villians were there today it was cool. I liked the bboys mostly but the popping was very legit. Very persiced when they hit the beats. A guy triedto do an airflare buy failed.
Yeah tpretty much that's it.

I lost my speakers.

I lost my speakers....
I'm so mad now i cant bboy at lunch anymore.
And I dont have time for it but whatever i guess ill buy a new one.
Hopefully it comes up so i dont ahve to buy another one.
It was like 40 bucks man dang....
If somone stole it would be hella mad.

Oxidation of Magnesium.

We Did a lab yesterday that invlovles oxidizing Magnesium.
First we had to measure crussible's weight and it wasnt that have about 22g
Then we had to do a alot of math that invlovded measuring a lot of substances.
Then we burned the the magnesium and waited for a long time until it was oxidzed.
Then we meassured it again and fond out how much we were off by

My brother got an evo

Breh My breh got an evo. A lancer Evolution
Its so nice and comfortable in. I ride it everyday now.
my brotehr got it for hios birthday and graduation gift. I wish I got a car
But im going to get my liscence soon and get my own 93 Mr2 with a g2
engince and trubo installed already. Hopefully i get my car soon. :D

Solutons PH test

The test was pretty hard i thought i failed but i actuallly
Passed with a c. There was a lot math invlovled mostly
algebra. That's the only reason why i passed i think because
I am very good at math im just lazy to do it. I wishh i did better.
But atleast i passed. Right?